Showing posts with label Rambling Thoughts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rambling Thoughts. Show all posts

Sunday, October 14, 2012

How Did I Won A Brand New Samsung Galaxy SIII

by Daniel Chiam

Did anyone of you went for the #ChurpOut2012 event at Publika yesterday? Cause it was freakin' wet and awesome! I met a lot of familiar blogger's face there, celebrities, pretty girls and most importantly, I won a brand new Samsung Galaxy SIII there!

I've been desperate to change my X10 mini pro into a larger screen phone for quite sometimes now, but my saving for phone never met its target and somehow, I really attended the event with a burning flame to win that SIII. 

I joined the Xpax Whatchuwant Pimp My Ride contest and they ONLY accept the first 15 people who registered for the contest on the spot. Yes people, I reached Publika early just to be that first 15 people who sign up, haha.

All of us were given 1 hour to paint or customize a white Mini Cooper car model as creative as possible. Then the game begin. I had no preparation what-so-ever for the contest and whatever I did to the car is just all base on the little arts experience that I have in the past.

When the one hour time was done. I looked at everyone's car and was truly impress by most of it. So many talented people and somehow it's going to be tough for the judges to select the winner. I had given all my best and whatever happened I should really enjoy the fun time painting the car, haha.

This was what I drew initially but I had to wipe it all off and redo again afterwards =/

I truly enjoy the company of fellow blogger friends. Merryn and family is always the best to hangout with, haha. Specially when you have the energetic Ethan around. I wanted to take a ride on the rodeo bull but then all the contestant were being summon as they are ready to announce the winner.

As we gathered. I can see that there were 2 judges who is still deciding and looking at all the cars that was displayed in a row, and mine was on number 11. I can see that they were pointing at my car and then look at others again. The tension is really killing me! I was like "just announce the winner and let's get this done with". One of them scribbled something on a piece of paper and pass it to Linora Low from Red FM who was the official emcee of the day.

Bottom right, that's my car with the flare :D

Either I win this or I shall get soaking wet by joining the Dunked & Draw game that were going on in the event as well. Linora opened the paper, and she didn't announce it just yet. She asked confirmation from the judges, they nodded and one of them were saying something to her. I was like "God please let me win!!! Please choose number 11".

"Aaaaand the winner is.... nummmmber... Eeeeeeleven!". I was over joyed when I heard I was the chosen winner, I got up and I gave my best shout: "Wooooohoooo!". Linora was like, "you are the winner?". Oh yes I am the winner yo! Followed with a lot of pictures taking session.

Everyone was congratulating me while I'm still in disbelief. It takes awhile before reality kicks in for me. I am truly happy cause I never won such expensive prize in my life, really thank God for the blessing. I congrats the other participant that I know also, cause truly everyone had the chance to win and so happened mine was selected by the judges.

Photo taken from the Xpaxsays Twitter account.

Will show you the phone once I collected it (hopefully SOON!). Thank you again to friends that shared my joy. All of you are truly the magnificent. Thank you Xpax, ChurpChurp, Nuffnang and if MTV is willing to pimp my ride, I will thank you too, haha. It was indeed a great event. Everyone had a lot of fun and see you all again at #ChurpOut2013 next year :D

"Seize the day, Caper Diem"

| room8five @ Facebook | NuffnangX | Twitter | 

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Relationship is like a Bank Account

by Daniel Chiam

I still remember what Dr. Guy Peh talks about relationship - you need to treat it like a bank account! I hope you all know how does a bank account works, because it's how relationship works also.

Before you can open a bank account, you first need to deposit a minimal amount of money into it first. Then only you will be able to have a bank account that you can deposit more money into it, and start withdrawing money from it also. You can put in as much money as you want, but your maximum withdrawal is only as much as what you have in your bank account. 

Same theory applied in relationship. Before you wanted to start a relationship with anyone, you must first put in a minimum deposit into that someone's life. Help them with their studies/works, phone calls, birthday wishes, gift and et cetera. The main reason for the deposit is for you to be apart of that someone's life.

Once your deposit is being accepted, then only the relationship will start to work both ways. You can't expect to make a withdrawal without first putting some money in your bank account right? Now I'm not just referring to a boy and girl relationship, but this is something that is practical for all sorts of relationship.

Among colleagues, friends, parents and children, future boyfriend or girlfriend, master and pet and et cetera. So if you always wonder why isn't your bank account work properly, perhaps you should first start to invest some money into it today!

"Seize the day, Caper Diem"

| room8five @ Facebook | NuffnangX | Twitter | 

Tuesday, November 08, 2011

The Most Limited Offer from Groupon

My friend showed me this special deal today in Groupon Malaysia, and this guy - Loke Hing Seong is really a genius! Who have ever thought about proposing through a coupon site?! Mei Chen, please just say 'Yes' to the guy.

I posted about Becoming Mr. Romantic back in early June, and ever since then I already decided that my proposal to my future wife-to-be will not just be an ordinary proposal - in a fine dinning restaurant, take out the ring from the pocket, on one bended knee and pop the magical question, will you marry me?

I really think I can do better than that, then again, don't keep the hopes too high. It's ain't cheap to get married these days. Especially in KL (depends on who is my wife-to-be). Well, if my guy boss is still here, I bet he will said "don't dream about getting married first, you better get yourself a girlfriend first".

Haha, I'm just happy seeing guys that's actually put in effort in their relationship. It really shows how much the girl means to them.

To all my male visitor who is currently in a relationship and planned to get married in the near future, my question to you is - What's your plan?

Yours only:
Daniel Chiam from room8five

How Do You Wake Up Early?

This is the problem that I have been having for quite sometimes now. I couldn't make it a habit to wake up early anymore! The earliest I could wake up on a weekdays is 8am (minus snoozing the alarm), and 9am on weekend.

I wanted to make it a habit to wake up at 6 or 7 in the morning, so that I could go for a jog or do my workout in the morning, but until today, I have failed to do so. No matter how early I went to bed at night, the result is still the same.

I still remember when I first came to KL for study and in my first month, I always wake up as early as 6 or 7 in the morning. I will boil some hot water, make myself a cup of coffee, sit at the balcony of my apartment and enjoy the morning scenery.

Thanks to the last minute of burning midnight oil for assignments, DOTA, online games, 24 hours mamak and late night movie, I began to go to bed very late (and sometimes sleepless), and starts waking up late too. Since then it became a habit and waking up early is always a struggle for me.

So how did you all do it? Waking up early. I desperately need to learn because I've always been late to the office, tho its just around 15-20 minutes walk from my house and my work start at 9am. Haha, I know right...

Do let me know your suggestions. You can help change my life today, haha =)

Yours only:
Daniel Chiam from room8five

Monday, November 07, 2011

Welcome to Existence

Happy Monday people! I hope you enjoyed the long weekend better than I do =)

Sometimes I wonder, have I asked too much from my life? The long weekend hasn't really given me anything extraordinary, but a space enough to questions myself about the universe and my existence.

I was thinking about the decision that I had made to come back to KL, and leave behind my life in Sabah. I was spiritually dried back then, life became so stagnant for me and I felt a strong urge to come back to KL to be revive again.

Now that I'm here in KL, life wasn't all lollipops and cotton candy. I have more responsibilities and more things to take care of compared to back in Sabah - rental, bills, foods, time management and et cetera. In KL, I only have super less than what I have back home, and I get frustrated over it for many times now.

I can't go where I want to at anytime I wish, I don't have a good-to-go friends, I'm just a prisoner in my own incapability. I spend my long weekend like every ordinary weekend, and it's really pissed me off because I woke up in the morning hoping that it would somehow be different.

I guessed you just can't have everything in life to go according to your ways. I gave up a life in Sabah which I have a home to go back to, loving and caring parents to welcome me at home, an old car that can take me to anywhere I want at anytime I wish, friends that won't hesitate to hangout at anytime, natures, I can even have extra cash for savings...

In KL, I only have the house of God, more responsibilities and a job just barely enough to keep me survive each month. Haha, don't get me wrong. I'm not writing to complaint, but I just wanted to remind myself that there is always a price to pay for what I've wish for, and in all situations, I should learn to be thankful and learn to enjoy every moment of it.

Today, I've failed to learn to enjoy. Let's restart again tomorrow, shall we? =)

Until next time, see you around my friend!

Yours only:
Daniel Chiam from room8five

Thursday, November 03, 2011

What's Next?

It's always the question that constantly arises every single day. It's like an alarm clock with only the snooze button and there's no stop button to it. It will only temporary stop ringing, then it will start to ring again! Super irritating!

The truth does hurt, because as much as we wanted to stop that alarm clock from ringing and get back to our "eternal" sleep, then we really have something to worried about when the alarm does stop permanently. The fact that the question exist in our life, it shows that we need something to constantly look forward to in life.

When there is nothing to look forward to, then my best assumption is that our hopes and dreams basically just died. Okay, maybe hopes and dreams are too big a word to be use here, but when there is no more anticipation in life, basically we already gave up apart of something which made life meaningful.

Don't be tired of asking 'what's next?', be excited for the unknown. Not every Christmas box that you opened is empty inside. There will be one that will bring joy to your life!

Haha, I'm starting to talk about Christmas already :P

Yours only:
Daniel Chiam from room8five

Friday, October 28, 2011

Dare You to Move!

In life its always easier to give up sometimes. Its always a choice that seems so effortless. So convenient and so right. I am just an imperfect person. No one has the rights to accuse me for my imperfect decision, because no one is perfect. So don't tell me that everything is going to be okay. That it will all be fine.

Words of a men will never last. How can I be sure that eventually everything will be alright? Do you men have the power to determine my future? Or even the future of my next generation? I start to push away everyone that cares. Their comfort will only cause pain to me.

It was always an excuse I gave myself when I was down. When my world seems to be crumbling down. When nothing was suppose to be like I hope it to be. I felt that life is so unfair. Why does bad things always happened to me? I became bitter. I choose to give up.

"For I know the thoughts that I think toward you", says the LORD, "thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope".
-Jeremiah 29:11

A future and a hope? Thoughts of peace and not of evil? but God... do I deserve all this? Where is the future and hope in all this? Why is this evil and not peace?

I complaint and I blame a lot at this stage, but today I realize the truth.

I believe everything happened for a reason, and that reason will only be revealed to us when we have the courage to be bold enough to trust in the Lord, and overcoming the mountain in front of us. Words of men might failed us, but Word of God will always stays the same yesterday, today and forever. 

I just needed to have faith to believe that the difficulty I'm going through, is a path for a greater testimony of my life. It will be my conviction to help others to overcome the same difficulty. My strength might be limited but with God, my strength is limitless, with God, I am a conqueror and I am an over-comer. 

You will face difficulty in your life. Once it happened, it will be unacceptable. Remember that God thinks about you and your future. Learn to see things through His eyes, and you will know why. It won't be easy but its your only way out.

I'm dedicating this for a friend of mine. I would like to see you overcome your difficulty and come back with an inspiring story to tell. How you encounter God and how He gives you strength and how He healed you in the end.

I dare you to move!

Have a blessed weekend everyone!

Yours only:
Daniel Chiam from room8five

Thursday, October 27, 2011

I'm Feeling Fly!

Sorry about the vanity of my first Wordless Wednesday yesterday. Somehow it became a failed marketing strategy of mine as I'm trying to spurred out your curiosity which will lead you to click on the picture that you thought was suppose to be there and by that, it will lead you to room8five's Facebook page, haha. 

Anyway, thanks to Fly FM for making me feeling FLY cause I JUST WON FREE MOVIE PASSES FROM FLY FM TO WATCH THE MOVIE 'IN TIME'! I am so excited (to be honest) not because of the movie but because it's my first time winning something from the radio! Woohooo!

Just the other day I get frustrated when I'm not the winner and my guy boss was asking me how much 50 cent have I actually spend to try and win something from the radio, haha. Looking back at my sms log, I've only sms them once for registration and 3 times for trying to win free tickets :D

Well, now that I can't win anything from Fly Fm within 30 days... it's time for me to switch to another radio channel and try to win something there! So how was your Diwali's holiday? Do drop by a comment below!

*Happy mode!*

Until next time, see you around my friend =)

Yours only:
Daniel Chiam from room8five

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Expensive Informations

Most of you are very familiar with Lok Lok, a steamboat meal on wheels. I would never purposely went to Lok Lok just to eat, because its darn expensive and not worth the money... not until yesterday night. Yes I broke my own rule and I ate. Let's do more workout!

I was just emotional, sick, lonely and hungry. Staying inside the room alone with nothing to do is just so depressing. So I went out to take a fresh air and decided to eat Lok Lok that has been ages parked nearby my condo and I have never once visited it.

Being the normal me, I am very approachable, easy to talk with and basically I'm just friendly. I ended up chatting with the guy who is taking care of the Lok Lok. Apparently he's also from Sabah, has been here for almost 8 years now, an ACCA graduate and is getting married next year. 

Only through our conversation, I get to know that this Lok Lok business is actually a product, a franchise and those people that drive around the vehicle are only the sales person. Lok Lok is an organization, and all this while I thought its an individual business.

According to the guy, their basic salary for a day is RM10 but their monthly income plus commission can reach up to RM7K - RM10K plus! The money is tempting, and with my current situation I do feel like becoming a Lok Lok sales person. Then again, I really don't see myself as one. Nothing  is wrong with the occupation, but it's just not me!

Until next time, see you around my friend =)

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Hot Hottest Hotness!

by Daniel Chiam

Ladies and gentlemen, this is miss Elly Tran Ha. A blogger from Vietnam who soar to fame because of her hotness. Her father is a terrorist because she is a bomb!

Anyway, this is not the hot issue that I wanted to share today. I wanted to share about something that's more dearly and close to all our heart - the weather.

I'm sure everyone of us is feeling the heat from mother earth lately. I guess she's really pissed off with what earthling has done to her over the few centuries. That's why she came up with summer, a lighter version of the end of days, haha. 

Human is selfish. The only person that we care about is ourselves. Some just work too hard to buy the most expensive coffin for themselves so that they could sleep comfortably for the rest of their life. These people just cut downs trees and pollute the earth without caring much of what the consequences is.

Now thanks to those filthy rich idiot, we Malaysian has no chance to experience snow in our country because of the heat caused from global warming. The snow melt somewhere up there in the sky before it could be visible to any of our human eyes and we named those water drops as rain. I want snow!

Aite, enough crap talk. The heat was getting into me when I was writing this post. I can't think straight. Please take good care of mother earth, it is still the Mother's day week.

Don't leave the fan on when you are not using it. You said its to cool off the room but actually you are creating wasted energy and extra heat to the environment. Don't turn on too much light when you don't actually need that much. Again it will only create extra heat.

Start from something simple. Learn to go greener than green. We are cleaning up the mess from the past, and I don't want my children and children's children to have to clean up our mess and blog about how irresponsible we are.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Fridge Magnet

by Daniel Chiam

I started to collect fridge magnet since the beginning of this year. Nothing intense, its just a casual hobby for me. Thanks to Chegu Carol for inspiring me with her own collection of fridge magnets.

Finally I have something to ask for every time when a friend is going to oversea *grin*.

I have collected many stuff before in the past, because I wanted something to be able to make me remember about them - my friends, or even strangers that was once significant to me.

I have like a treasure box back in my hometown, where I keep all those stuff. Mails from my pen pal, birthday cards, some broken stuff, birthday gift and some that I can't remember.

Sometimes, at the end of the day I will take out that box and just walk down memory lane. Remembering those friends that is still and was apart of my life. Wondering will I ever meet them again...

Fridge magnet is cool in many ways but most importantly, it could help me to remember them in the future :D
  1. Paris, France, given by Cindy. Her first visit to France.
  2. Taiping Zoo, Ipoh, given by Andrew. Its our New Year 2010/2011 trip with Sheyvin, Antonia and Yee Seng. Also my first time in Ipoh, Perak.
  3. Kyoto, Japan, given by Pierre. Its his family trip to Japan during Chinese New Year.
  4. Shanghai, China, given by Mikhal. She went there for a short semester just to learn Chinese.*
  5. Shanghai, China, given by Antonia. Her first visit to China.
  6. Hanoi, Vietnam, given by Yee Seng. His first visit to Vietnam.
  7. Praha, Czech Republic, given by Hsieh Ying. Her first visit to Europe and also her first gift to me, haha.
*Wronged info corrected, haha.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Die Quickly or Live Life Splendidly

Dear Liu Wei:

You are truly an inspiration to each and everyone of us. I feel bad about myself, which truly I have more advantages than you, but instead I throw it all away by continuously blaming others for the miserable feeling that I have and the life that I have messed up.

You didn't just amaze us with your ability to play the piano with your feet because you don't have both your arms, but you blown us away with the effort that you put in pursuing your dream. You are indeed a great role model, and I hope people will watch your video and get inspired too.

Its true that in life it could come down to only two choice, either to die quickly or to live life splendidly. Most of us get too carried away with all the luxury that we have, materially, physically and family. We failed to cherish things which we believe will always be there for us whenever we needed it. I guess its just human to only start cherishing something that you had already lost.

I can't promise you that I will be able to pick up myself tomorrow and start going through life like it was my last. I can't make that promise but it doesn't mean I won't try. Seeing the determination and the positive attitude that you have toward life, really made me envy. I wish I have the courage and the perseverance that you have, cause I too wanted to excel in life, and I too wanted to make my family proud.

Thank you for sharing a part of your life with the rest of the world. You are truly an inspiration, a prove that nothing in this world is impossible if you really put your mind to it. I thank you again, and I wish you all the best with your life.

Thank you Liu Wei. Thank you.

Yours truly:
daniel chiam from room8five

Instagram: @room8five