Monday, December 06, 2010

Wall Climbing, Triumph!

I seriously think that I should write down Wall Climbing in my resume! Does it in any ways make me look like a hardworking man that will do and endure everything just to get to the top? Haha

I just wanted to personally thank Grace and Kay for giving me such an opportunity to be able to spread my wings and conquered my fear of height.

I do have to admit that I am not that scared of height anymore [(mind over matter) wahahaha ya right!] :D 

Thanks for keep pushing and cheering me till I really reached the top. I almost gave up twice but Grace won't let me down, not until I really drag myself up that wall. Its really is a great sense of achievement once you tap your hand against the top wall. It's like you're finally conquering yourself for the first time.

Despite all the smells of shoes that you get from climbing, and muscles pain, and six packs that you thought suddenly came out of no where, I would love to go for another climb next time.

I'm seriously thinking about buying the shoes and finding a way to go there every weekend. Transportation is hard! Oh well, maybe I'll just do some push up of my own first (KONON LAH!) and when I have the chance then only I go there to be cocky again.

Haha, yes! I am very cocky after my first time reaching the top. As if I own the world :O

Hopefully I get to see all of you climbers again next time :D Thanks again Grace and Kay Kastum!

Until next time, see you around my friend =)

Yours only:
daniel chiam from room8five

Instagram: @room8five