Thursday, November 03, 2011

What's Next?

It's always the question that constantly arises every single day. It's like an alarm clock with only the snooze button and there's no stop button to it. It will only temporary stop ringing, then it will start to ring again! Super irritating!

The truth does hurt, because as much as we wanted to stop that alarm clock from ringing and get back to our "eternal" sleep, then we really have something to worried about when the alarm does stop permanently. The fact that the question exist in our life, it shows that we need something to constantly look forward to in life.

When there is nothing to look forward to, then my best assumption is that our hopes and dreams basically just died. Okay, maybe hopes and dreams are too big a word to be use here, but when there is no more anticipation in life, basically we already gave up apart of something which made life meaningful.

Don't be tired of asking 'what's next?', be excited for the unknown. Not every Christmas box that you opened is empty inside. There will be one that will bring joy to your life!

Haha, I'm starting to talk about Christmas already :P

Yours only:
Daniel Chiam from room8five


  1. Take a break,come over to Penang lah,,,, I buy you drink,,chill ya

  2. hey DC..of course we do not know what next..u know dc this few days I start to worry about many things and anythings...aihh..but yeah as you said ..there is always hope..and I alwys hoping for the better tomorrow..

  3. i don't know what next will be in my life, but i keep on thinking of something. something related with - to make a wise decision..huhuhu

  4. Dude, I know what ya mean. But you know what, for me, to counter such feeling, everyday I look forward to something. No matter how small. Be it to going outstation, be it I can listen to my music in the car, be it later got chance to eat at this shop, whatever la. If there's nothing to look forward to, then just find one, biarpun kici macam samut. Hahaa.

  5. LOL...Christmas is around the corner ba (walaupun ada 1 bulan lebih lg *melampau ni*)..haha

  6. LOL..Christmas is around the corner ba..hahaha


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