Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Nuffnang vs Advertlets 2011

Okay, by the time I'm writing this post, I thought I already made up my mind about which ads provider should I be using. Apparently I'm still being indecisive. I need your feedback badly :D

Now, I'm not going after the money that they can provide, but I'm going after the amount of activities and giveaway that they are providing, haha. Ever since I won that free movie tickets from Fly FM (which I'm going to watch after this!), I was thinking perhaps I should really try to win more free stuff, especially movie passes!

Also, I don't like to have too much ads in room8five, where in the end it will all look too messy, page load took forever and whats not. That's why I'm trying to choose only one out of the two. 

Remember, I'm not chasing after the money here. Just the giveaway! Since you all have been having ads longer than me, please do drop a few thoughts to help me out. Thanks!

Until next time, see you around my friend =)

Yours only:
Daniel Chiam from room8five


  1. u're so lucky..i never won anything..hehehe

  2. I hv received movie screening passes & others from Nuffnang. So, yes, Nuffnang is definitely better for giveaways and stuff :)

  3. I agree that Nuffnang is better in term of what you want =)

  4. Bro, KL bloggers get all the good stuff one lah, either one also good,I heard,,,,,,,,,,,Penang nothing happening ,,we just blog and blog and blog lah

  5. mine nuffnang since i active kan blm lagi cash out ni..ada lah 200 lbh tapi kumpul dulu lah kan..he he ...sa inda tau pasal ni ads ..mana satu yang bagus..tapi mgkn nuffy lah..

    owh ya i know u r not chase for the money but yeah suda tersedia kan so garb the opt to gain more money kan...

  6. since i ada nuffnang ja, then i akan cakap - nuffnang is better...sudah pernah kasi cash out..tapi minimum amount ja..hehe

  7. Go for Nuffnang ;-)

  8. Hi daniel,
    First of all , thanks for visiting my blog.
    Wow, great! u won a movie ticket?.. I never use other ads provider than nuffnang..so i wouldnt know the differences..

  9. I had nuffnang for awhile but it seemed to be static but right after i tried advertlets, i began to see cents coming in fast. or maybe it was my traffic then. (eh you update so fast, i lost track of time. haha)

    - Coffee Girl

  10. Nuffnang of coz.. So many giveaway.. Banyak suda durang sponsor event tu.. Advertlets masih baru,tapi duit dia lumayan berbanding nuffnang.. but I prefer Nuffnang macam alasan ko la..

  11. hello there~
    i think nuffnang is better in terms of the activities and freebies~
    but if money you're looking for than i couldn't actually tell which is better though~

    just my view~


  12. ok so you've chosen Nuffnang.. hmmm, but so far i don't earn money not even any giveaway also lor.. how sad right??

  13. Nuffnang is better...^^


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