Friday, October 28, 2011

Dare You to Move!

In life its always easier to give up sometimes. Its always a choice that seems so effortless. So convenient and so right. I am just an imperfect person. No one has the rights to accuse me for my imperfect decision, because no one is perfect. So don't tell me that everything is going to be okay. That it will all be fine.

Words of a men will never last. How can I be sure that eventually everything will be alright? Do you men have the power to determine my future? Or even the future of my next generation? I start to push away everyone that cares. Their comfort will only cause pain to me.

It was always an excuse I gave myself when I was down. When my world seems to be crumbling down. When nothing was suppose to be like I hope it to be. I felt that life is so unfair. Why does bad things always happened to me? I became bitter. I choose to give up.

"For I know the thoughts that I think toward you", says the LORD, "thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope".
-Jeremiah 29:11

A future and a hope? Thoughts of peace and not of evil? but God... do I deserve all this? Where is the future and hope in all this? Why is this evil and not peace?

I complaint and I blame a lot at this stage, but today I realize the truth.

I believe everything happened for a reason, and that reason will only be revealed to us when we have the courage to be bold enough to trust in the Lord, and overcoming the mountain in front of us. Words of men might failed us, but Word of God will always stays the same yesterday, today and forever. 

I just needed to have faith to believe that the difficulty I'm going through, is a path for a greater testimony of my life. It will be my conviction to help others to overcome the same difficulty. My strength might be limited but with God, my strength is limitless, with God, I am a conqueror and I am an over-comer. 

You will face difficulty in your life. Once it happened, it will be unacceptable. Remember that God thinks about you and your future. Learn to see things through His eyes, and you will know why. It won't be easy but its your only way out.

I'm dedicating this for a friend of mine. I would like to see you overcome your difficulty and come back with an inspiring story to tell. How you encounter God and how He gives you strength and how He healed you in the end.

I dare you to move!

Have a blessed weekend everyone!

Yours only:
Daniel Chiam from room8five


  1. well said DC..

    erm sometime kan sa pun fikir bila sa dalam susah kan...ppl try to comfort me but sa question adakah durang tau betul apa kesusahan sa..but yeah sa sedar everything is happened for a reasons. And everything happen for a reason. It true to learn to see things through His eyes n not ours.

    Dc thanks for the very encouraging words.

  2. nice post! now i shall move. hehe.. happy friday daniel. :)

  3. Though sounds abit emo, it has good points!

    Happy weekend to you Daniel~

  4. Bible also says the Lord won't let you suffer more than you can handle, so that means if it happens to you, then you can overcome it. :-) Have a nice weekend Daniel!

  5. God's plan is beyond our thinking and imaginations! He is our Awesome God ^^

  6. Yes, agree with Coffee girl.. He wont let us suffer what we cannot endure...
    Romans 8:28.. In all ways God works for those who love Him, who are called according to His purpose..
    He will take care of us in times we cannot handle...
    Very nice post here, Daniel...

  7. HEy~ All the best for your friend. :)


  8. you dedicated this to me ka? :'P

  9. btw, im loving this entry so much. inspiring :)

  10. Nice post there.. and I love that song. Sang by Switchfoot originally right? :)

  11. #When I asked God for strength,
    He gave me difficult situations to face.

    #When I asked God for intelligence,
    He gave me puzzles to solve.

    #When I asked God for happiness, He showed me some unhappy people.

    #When I asked God for wealth,
    He showed me how to work hard.

    #When I asked God for favors, He showed me opportunities.

    #When I asked God for peace, He showed me how to help others.

    #God gave me nothing I wanted, HE GAVE ME EVERYTHING I NEEDED.

    So, at the end, everything happen in our life, happen for a reason!

    Blessed weekend Daniel!!


  12. Yup it was originally by Switchfoot and the one you heard is a cover by Jayesslee =)


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