Friday, October 21, 2011

Destiny Calls

Just a quick update here. If you can see my Facebook friends' updates, it was (and still) flooded with the updates of the whereabouts of Jasyesslee in Malaysia! Since they arrived in the KL airport, radio interviews, 8tv quickie tonight and lots and lots of videos of their cover from Youtube is being shared.

Everyone is super excited about it. Autograph session tonight at The Curve, concert night at PWTC tomorrow and the most exciting one for me, both of them will be attending City Harvest Church (MY church) on (23 October 2011) Sunday! Yay! Told ya I will be able to meet them no matter what :D

Haha, aite people. Its Friday already... go get yourself out there and have fun! Carpe Diem and live life responsibly! 

Check out their ::Youtube:: ::Facebook page:: ::Twitter::


  1. Yea, heard alot about these gals. They are sweet too! ;)

  2. arghhh si DC sengaja oh mau kasi jeles2 si Aki.. ha ha ha..

  3. both of them cute cute...aha ha okey hpe u can meet them ya..n dont forget to shout it here if you meet them ya

  4. Hayley: I really can't wait to see them!

    Aki: Hahahaha Aki sa ada invite ko tu ah... later I'll post some pictures, haha.

    Beaty: Super cute la! I hope I can take personal pictures with them too... haha...

  5. Wow cute2 oh tu good luck kio..harap2 ko dapat jumpa dorang.

  6. they are cute and they have amazing voice too.. huhu/.


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