Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Going Places

It's been awhile now since I last posted any fridge magnet pictures in room8five. The last one was back in May - About a Place and Time, and after that well... lets just say my collection is getting more challenging.

The main reason being is that I seldom (close to never) travel outside of Malaysia before and aside from Sabah and Selangor (which mainly in Subang area), I never really travel to anywhere else. In fact, ALL of my fridge magnet collection is a love gift from friends around.

I am really thankful for good friends. Hopefully it will be an inspiration for me to save up and go travel in 2012. Before then, here's a few new fridge magnet collection that I have!

Australia - I got it from Mikhal who came back from studying in Australia.

Rome - This one is from Yosia who went to Europe for the first time for work purposes.

Thailand - I sort of 'force' Hazel to buy for me when she was there for work purposes, haha.

Philippines - A love gift from Kevin, who's currently working in Philippines. Can't wait to see him soon!

Indonesia - This one is from Chris who just recently came back from his hometown.

Until next time, see you around my friend =)

Yours only:
Daniel Chiam from room8five


  1. Eh ko pun collection FM ka pula mcm chegu carol, DC? Ba.. kalau sia ingat sia kasi lebih2 la beli itu FM kalau sia ada p travel mana2 aa...;p

  2. so nice of your friends.. my fridge magnets mostly bought by myself.. so cham! :)

  3. i have one rome's colloseum but not as pretty as yours. speaking of which, sa pun blm lagi update anything psl new frignet i received frm my in-laws...

  4. It's good to be remembered, right? ;)
    Take care!

  5. oh,kawan si Aki slalu bagi keychain.. banyak juga oh.. betimbun2 sudah.. :-p

  6. You know bro,I have never really got into a hobby,(except running) seriously,, you know you must keep this habit for long long time to go,keep all those fridge magnets,sampai you kahwin,sampai you ada anak,sampai you ada cucuk,, then you show all to them ya.

  7. bah. sy mau p universal studio d singapore,i'll buy one for u. tp nda taw lagi la bila mau p T__T

  8. Wow that's quite a lot and lovely fridge magnets then come a time your fridge are all 'filled' up you gotta think of making metal cupboards and kitchen cabinets for further 'expansion' haha.

  9. wah DC punya main banyak ni DC..he he
    sa kan selalu ada keychain ni..

    he he dari korea, Spore, china , Taiwan..Aust...bah nanti sa kasi blog sa punya..he eh ko nampak kan sa punya post ni ari...sa dapat hanbok lagi ni..he he he

  10. Aww~ You really have really nice friends. My friend seldom give me pressie from their trips. :(

    ANyway! Plan nicenice for your 2012's trip! Would love to read them much!


  11. Just: Ucapan terima kasih di dahulukan.

    Claire: Haha I prefer to buy myself if can :P

    Chegu: faster update!

    Sully: I second that!

    Aki: Bah apa lagi... pamer2 la keychain tu :D

    Eugene: Hoho I will ask my kids and grandkids to go read all about it in my blog, haha.

    Aweyn: Bah! Bila tu?!

    Bananaz: It's already a on going project, haha.

    Beaty: Yup I saw you handbok from Korea! Nice!

    Cheery and Mia: Yup I'm at Subang. Want a date? haha

    Meitzeu: You friends travel lesser than you ma... haha

  12. Saya ada dulu, kawan bagi tapi hilang...mungkin bukan minat saya kali kumpul FM, itulah saya x jaga sangat...:)

  13. Kay: Bah len kali ko simpan ja... trus kalau senang2 ko kirim2 la sama sia ^^ haha


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