Monday, October 24, 2011

A Date with Jayesslee

Yup, that's the closest I can get with the twins and also my newly skinny body! Now you can start to be very jealous of me, haha! Ain't life is just so wonderful that we can have everything that we wanted just like that?!

Olla people!!! Happy Monday! I know I have been promoting a lot about the twins in room8five recently, not because I'm a real hardcore fan but mainly its because I get to know them since way back in college when my roommate first introduced me to their 'Officially Missing You' cover.

I have watch them grow ever since, to the Youtube celebrities that they are now. Its not an easy thing to do what they are doing, and for me, I appreciate people that have determination in pursuing their passion - Jayesslee is one of those people.

I didn't went for their autograph session on Friday, nor do I attend their concert on Saturday, but I sure did attended church when they are our guest performer. Finally I get to listen to their harmonic signature of 'HI' live! I'm a guy who is so easy to be please :D

They even shared a testimony about the death of their mother because of cancer. It's not an easy thing to go through when you know someone who is very close to you is going to leave you forever. At time we felt so hopeless because there is nothing we can do to help or do to change the circumstances, but with God, there is always a way to overcome it. 

I kid you not, I did get to see them like in a very near distance and they are just both oh so lovely :D

Jayesslee in CHCKL Part 1 and Part 2.

Anyway, it has been a fun filled weekend. Tired, but fruitful. How about your weekend? Do share a bit in the comment below ^^

Until next time, see you around my friend =)

Yours only:
Daniel Chiam from room8five


  1. twins ini memang talented..
    Happy monday to u too..:)

  2. Guess you really love the twins ya! :P

  3. yeah this twins is talented owh...

    DC my weekend is fine..thanks God

  4. Is that really you in the middle? u wish u were, right? sorry, i do not know The Twins.. i m real backdated .. perhaps i ask my girl whether she knows or not..

  5. hahaha!! you are so funny, cropped your face and post it on somebody else?? hmmm, that guy's body not bad at all also~~ ;p

  6. so i'm like... who? and i goggled and youtubed my way around these twins and voila! u got that right, they are gifted! *sorry*

  7. mana gambar yang telah engkau janjikan kepadaku DC!! Argh!! :-p

  8. Hahaha...Oh my, the workout works for you. XDXD

  9. woahhh..jelesnya! u are very lucky guy, u know..haha!

  10. Aww~ They are so pretty! :D

    and having those sweet voice, that's a credit to them!!

  11. ahh no wonder you were tweeting a lot about Jayesslee last Sunday. rupanya twins yg nyanyi 'officially missing you' pula! eee kiut oh dorang! ^^

  12. haha i really thought you got to take picture with them. hehe. they're so pretty ^^

  13. Kay: They are super talented!

    Hayley: Super in love :P

    Beaty: Thanks God for the twins too!

    Claire: Haha yeah I really wish I'm in the middle :D

    [SK]: That's the result of my hard work okay XD

    Coffee Girl: It's not too late to know them now :D

    Aki: nah!

    Mouren: Absolutely!

    Yen: Super lucky :P

    Meitzeu: Before I met them I already half in love, haha.

    Deanona: sangat sangat comel weh :D

    Aemy: I thought so too, haha.

  14. They really had a great time in Malaysia!

  15. i luv their voice too. and saw their testimony about their mother in youtube too.. it touched me greatly.. these girls are sharing the love of God to the world .. Lovely :)


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