Thursday, October 27, 2011

I'm Feeling Fly!

Sorry about the vanity of my first Wordless Wednesday yesterday. Somehow it became a failed marketing strategy of mine as I'm trying to spurred out your curiosity which will lead you to click on the picture that you thought was suppose to be there and by that, it will lead you to room8five's Facebook page, haha. 

Anyway, thanks to Fly FM for making me feeling FLY cause I JUST WON FREE MOVIE PASSES FROM FLY FM TO WATCH THE MOVIE 'IN TIME'! I am so excited (to be honest) not because of the movie but because it's my first time winning something from the radio! Woohooo!

Just the other day I get frustrated when I'm not the winner and my guy boss was asking me how much 50 cent have I actually spend to try and win something from the radio, haha. Looking back at my sms log, I've only sms them once for registration and 3 times for trying to win free tickets :D

Well, now that I can't win anything from Fly Fm within 30 days... it's time for me to switch to another radio channel and try to win something there! So how was your Diwali's holiday? Do drop by a comment below!

*Happy mode!*

Until next time, see you around my friend =)

Yours only:
Daniel Chiam from room8five


  1. ooo... hahaha.. that's the story about the "very" wordless Wednesday.. haha

    Congrats Daniel! I haven't win anything, ever, except in school la for academic achievement and debates..

  2. wah tahniah!
    saya x pernah join contest dari radio..byk saingan bah..hehe
    Diwali's holiday - kuar makan, jalan2 p muzium sdkn n tidur..hehehe

  3. fly fm ni kan sa inda pernah dengar..wah tapi ko memang tiket memng best owh...he he congrats

  4. Now I think you will begin your "entering radio contests" crusade already,,good on ya...

    The only time I won anything from radio station is RM200 from Redfm...

  5. hahaha..congrats btw..
    sy dulu2 pernah win movie tix ungu violet dari radio station apa tu a..lupa da ka lau nda silap...ada lagi ka tu radio tu? haha

  6. LOL! patut jarang click on pictures if not asked...tau lah now with viruses spreading wild. kunun.

  7. ha ha ha.. :-p... ko memang bah.. err,bukan dia bagi 2 tiket ka slalu tu Bos.. ko teda kawn kan?? ha ha ha.. :-p

  8. Hahaha..Congratulation. It's not easy to get through sometimes. I ever tried thousand times before.

    By the way, I ever won RM50 and a CD from local KK radio when I was in secondary school. But now, I guess no luck in winnning those. Haiz..

    Anyway, congratulation Daniel! Let me know the movie nice or not, ok!
    By the way, join lah the Nuffnang movie premiere screening.

    Belum cuba belum tau! Sekali cuba, tiap-tiap hari mau. hahaha

  9. Woots! Lucky you DAniel!! :) Congratzzz!! :)

    I never won anything from the radio station before. :(


  10. hiiiii congratsss
    i think i won the ticket for xmas arthur..
    i couldnt pick up my phone the moment they called me
    what should i do now??to get the ticket

  11. Haha I have no idea man. Maybe you can try and call them to ask about it.

    Fly FM
    Telephone Number: 03 7710 5022
    Studio Number: 03 7724 1144

  12. 1 more did u collect the ticket?

  13. Go to the cinema EARLY and bring along your ID card. Show it to the person who will await for you there and collect your tickets. It's a free sitting, so you just need to go in and find you favorite seat :D

    Any extra tickets for me? haha

  14. hahahahha thx!!

    extra tickets?? not sure :D

  15. Enjoy the movie ba ^^ do let me know how was the movie :D

    Have a great week ahead!


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