Friday, September 24, 2010

New Born Baby Boy

Dear visitor:

Yesterday, another friend of mine just gave birth to a new baby boy. He is so adorably cute!

In fact, last week I just went to celebrate a friend's baby full moon, which I was the one who accompany the dad to fetch baby Carson out of the hospital last month :D

So, lately I've been around a lot with babies and toddler. Being around them I do have a lot of fun. I get to play with them, do all the silly thing, make funny faces and sometimes talks funny too. I get to do all the fun stuff with them and I don't have to change their diapers, feed them, or handle them when they are crying, and that makes it so much easier for me to enjoy a presence of a young one, haha.

It would be a lie if I told you that I don't want to be a dad, but seeing how fragile these little one are, and how cruel is the world out there, I do have some fear on how to raise a baby nowadays.

God will show the way, and I don't plan to give up on being a father just because of some fear. I want to be a great dad. I don't know how but I just have that sort of vision that my children will be someone great in the future, and I will be there to give them my support all the way.

I wish for a baby girl as my first born. A girl is more responsible and they could take good care of the rest that comes after, haha.

Well, before going too further in the future of becoming a great dad, I must get through this stage of single life first. Work hard and do well in life. Find a girlfriend, haha. I guess thats about it for today.

Until the next mail, bye for now =)

PS: So how does it really feel like to be a first time mom or dad?

Yours truly:
daniel chiam from room8five

--------------------- Attached Pictures --------------------

The new born baby boy with no name yet at the moment, haha.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Very Much Pissed Off

Dear Kevin:

I'm really pissed off with whoever person in charge of the interview between Samsung and me. They are really a son of a gun!

One phone call after another they keep passing me around like a ball, and finally I've reached someone who doesn't know a shit of what's going on. So I stop calling and refuse to be treated like a desperate college dropouts who's willing to die for a job.

That was somewhere in July, and I only found out that their branch here in Keningau is not going to open until somewhere at the end of September, which is somewhere around this week period. Now only the representative busy calling me back for interview.

He said he'll call back on Monday, and when he didn't call me, I called him. Guess what? He asked me did a phone number from KL called me before this, and I said no. So he asked me to wait for that phone call first.

Today is Wednesday. So its only after two days, but seriously I am very much agitated cause I could get another job somewhere else, but of course the pay is a lot cheaper than what I could get with Samsung.

The feeling of insecurity is very much SUCK! I need to know that I have a job before the start of next month! I don't want to wait anymore and its sucks to deal with phone call that kept giving me false hope. So I'm going for the low pay job. Beside, its only for a few month just to get back on my financial feet.

I'm migrating for sure. Just needed to settle a few things here. Especially debts and identity crisis, haha. I guess that all for now. Do write back to me :D

Until next mail, bye for now =)

Yours truly:
daniel chiam from room8five

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Steve Jobs the Scrooge

Dear visitor:

Until yesterday, I really didn't know that you can actually send an email to Steve Jobs and that he would actually reply your mail. I am very impress that a man in his position really care so much about what do people personally have to say about his product.

I mean he could have hired an 'impostor' to do the work for him (well he does have a PA) and yet he choose to do it personally. So how do a super busy guy like him actually reply all those fans mail? Short, not sweet and super simple!

Most people wrote to complaint about a certain dissatisfaction about the Apple product or services. People expect answer that could satisfied them. You know, apologize, try our best, yes you are right, we will look into it, what we will do, bla bla bla. Well Jobs style is the coolest!

A customer wrote to Jobs to complain about the new iTunes logo, which he believed isn't as good as the old one. Jobs's two-word reply: "We disagree."

Haha, how cool is that?! Well you can read Jobs's replied to some of the mails at . In a way, its very entertaining to read. I'm still on my way to own my very first Apple product and hopefully its the iPhone or Mac, haha.

Here's another one of my favorite reply from Steve Job.

Mike wrote:
Is Apple moving away from Desktop and laptop computers and more towards mobile devices? I love using a full Mac computer when I am at my desk and then use mobile devices when I am on the move. I think it is still important for Apple to have both computers and mobile devices, yet Apple hasn’t recently made any major updates to their computers for some time, especially the Mac Pro. I love the mobile devices but, I still like having a desktop or laptop computer too.
Mike Gdovin
Steve's reply:
Yep, we agree.

Notice that he use 'we' instead of 'I'. He does treat everyone in his company as a team and its not all about him alone. Great leadership characteristic! I guess that all for now.

Until next mail, bye for now =)

Yours truly:
daniel chiam from room8five

Monday, September 20, 2010

Persimpangan Jalan

Dear visitor:

Kadang kala perjalanan hidup boleh menjadi sangat menakutkan. Terutamanya bila kita berada di persimpangan jalan. Keliru dengan pilihan yang ada dan gentar dengan kesilapan yang mungkin berlaku.

Kita hanya inginkan kepastian, kepastian bahawa kesilapan tidak akan berlaku, kepastian yang segalanya akan berjalan baik dengan pilihan yang bakal kita buat.

Namun apa yang pasti adalah ketidakpastian itu sendiri. Kita hanya mampu merancang, namun hanya Tuhan sahaja yang boleh menentukannya. Kita hanya boleh membuat pilihan yang bagi kita adalah terbaik namun hasilnya tiada siapa yang boleh menduga.

Tabahkanlah hati wahai perantau sekalian. Perjalanan hidup hanya akan menjadi lebih mudah jika kita tabah dan redah dengan pilihan yang telah kita buat. Jangan sesekali menyesal dengan keputusan yang telah dibuat, kerana itu adalah pengajaran hidup yang amat berharga buat diri kita.

Jika tersilap jalan, baliklah ke pangkal jalan. Jika tersalah kawan, tinggalkanlah mereka. Jika terlupa daratan, carilah semula diri yang sebenar.

Kesilapan pasti akan berlaku, walaupun hanya sekali dalam seumur hidup. Namun apa yang penting adalah keazaman kita untuk berdiri dan bangkit semula, dan meneruskan saki baki perjalanan hidup yang ada.

Jangan gentar jangan risau, kerana anda tidak bersendirian, kerana aku juga sedang berada dalam persimpangan jalan hidup. Sama-samalah kita mencari jalan yang terbaik buat diri kita sendiri.

Until next mail, bye for now.

Yours truly:
daniel chiam from room8five

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Raya 2010 | A Letter to Yann

Hi Yann:

Lama dah kita tidak berbalas surat. Rasanya tulis menulis surat tu sudah menjadi 'things of the past'. Haha, walau macam mana pun, saya tetap happy dapat berkenalan dengan kawan macam yann melalui surat. So, nak update la sikit tentang kejadian Raya tahun ni :D

Raya tahun ni taklah semeriah raya-raya tahun yang sudah. Sedih juga hati ini bila mengenangkan kembali apa yang terlah berlaku. Dulu kalau nak beraya, kawan-kawan pasti ramai yang berkumpul, malah kami membuat rombongan untuk melawat dari rumah ke rumah kawan-kawan yang lain untuk beraya. Kadang-kadang tu 10 orang pun boleh sumbat dalam satu kereta, haha.

Time tu memang best, memang enjoy berabis. Jumlah rumah yang nak dilawat tidak pernah berkurangan malah semakin hari menjadi semakin too much to handle. Guarantee kenyang sangat-sangat time raya. Berat badan mesti naik!

Makanan tu taklah menjadi agenda utama bagi saya, tapi perasaan beraya bersama teman-teman itu yang paling saya look forward to. Kalau tiada rumah untuk dilawat pun tidak apa, janji dapat berkumpul bersama teman-teman lama. Time Raya sahajalah teman-teman lama yang telah lama terpisah dapat berkumpul semula, dan aku rindu dengan mereka semua.

Tahun ni, aku cuma melawat 2 buah rumah kawan sahaja, jumpa pun 2 atau 3 orang kawan lama sahaja. Ahad ni akan melawat rumah seorang kawan lagi. Harap-haraplah dapat terserempak dengan teman-teman lama yang lain.

Kalau di atas kertas kira-kira matematik, tahun ni dah jatuh 99% untuk masa yang diluangkan bersama teman-teman lama jika dibandingkan dengan tahun-tahun yang sudah. Sigh, sedih sangat-sangat.

Raya tahun ni, banyak masa yang diluangkan bersama kawan-kawan Davies. Percutian ke Simpang Mengayau, Tenom dan Mahua. Nak dikatakan enjoy, memang enjoy juga, tapi ni kan Raya. What I have in mind was totally different than what had happened.

Changes is the only unchangeable thing in the world. Perubahanlah satu-satunya benda yang akan kekal dan tak akan berubah. Hari ini dah tak sama lagi dengan hari kemarin, begitu juga besok yang pasti tak akan sama dengan hari ini.

Time di KL, sakit hati ini bila tak dapat pulang beraya dengan teman-teman. Bila dah di sini, hampah pula jadinya. Hati ini dah tawar dah. Never again would I have such expectation for a reunion. Lebih baik aku terus menjadi lone wolf. Hidup tanpa sebarang attachment, bebas dari segalanya.

Entahlah Yann, maybe I just have to accept the changes that happened. Tiada benda yang akan kekal selama-lamanya. Rasanya, selepas kejadian ini, aku dah tak ada apa-apa perasaan yang membuatkan aku harus terus kekal lagi di Keningau. Haha, sekarang ni dalam perancangan nak berhijrah ke tempat lain.

yann, kalau senang-senang tu email la aku ni. Facebook pun ada. Bukan aku kedekut kredit nak phone atau sms, tapi yann tahulah aku ni, gagap, always have no idea on what to say on the phone -_-

Oh ya, apa sudah jadi dengan yann dan Davies? Ceritalah sikit! Davies pun suruh tanya Yann. Adei kamu ni. Anyway, take good care of yourself. I really hope to hear from you soon Yann. God bless!

Until next mail, bye for now =)

Yours truly:
daniel chiam from room8five

--------------------- Attached Pictures --------------------

Raya 2010 bersama teman-teman adik ku.

Instagram: @room8five