Until yesterday, I really didn't know that you can actually send an email to Steve Jobs and that he would actually reply your mail. I am very impress that a man in his position really care so much about what do people personally have to say about his product.
I mean he could have hired an 'impostor' to do the work for him (well he does have a PA) and yet he choose to do it personally. So how do a super busy guy like him actually reply all those fans mail? Short, not sweet and super simple!

Most people wrote to complaint about a certain dissatisfaction about the Apple product or services. People expect answer that could satisfied them. You know, apologize, try our best, yes you are right, we will look into it, what we will do, bla bla bla. Well Jobs style is the coolest!
A customer wrote to Jobs to complain about the new iTunes logo, which he believed isn't as good as the old one. Jobs's two-word reply: "We disagree."
Haha, how cool is that?! Well you can read Jobs's replied to some of the mails at www.emailsfromstevejobs.com . In a way, its very entertaining to read. I'm still on my way to own my very first Apple product and hopefully its the iPhone or Mac, haha.
Here's another one of my favorite reply from Steve Job.
Mike wrote:
Is Apple moving away from Desktop and laptop computers and more towards mobile devices? I love using a full Mac computer when I am at my desk and then use mobile devices when I am on the move. I think it is still important for Apple to have both computers and mobile devices, yet Apple hasn’t recently made any major updates to their computers for some time, especially the Mac Pro. I love the mobile devices but, I still like having a desktop or laptop computer too.
Mike GdovinSteve's reply:
Yep, we agree.
Notice that he use 'we' instead of 'I'. He does treat everyone in his company as a team and its not all about him alone. Great leadership characteristic! I guess that all for now.
Until next mail, bye for now =)
Yours truly:
daniel chiam from room8five
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