Friday, September 17, 2010

My First 3D Movie Experience

Dear Kevin:

How are you bro? Its been a busy week for me lately. A lot of travelling and hell lot of expenses too, haha.

So last week just before we went to Simpang Mengayau at Kudat, we spend a night in KK and after a super long while I've been absence from the cinema, I manage to persuade everyone to go for a movie that night. Resident Evil: Afterlife in 3D baby!

The sad case is, it was a last minute decision so the only available seat that we manage to get is the front row. Yes, the first line, the one where it will either get your neck hurt or your back pain. I just don't care anymore cause all I want is MOVIE in the cinema of course.

It was my first time watching a movie in 3D so I'm really excited about it. Super excited :D

You don't have to wait for the actual movie to start to enjoy the 3D experience, the trailers itself is magnificent! Especially the 'Legend of the Guardians' trailer. Its animation but when you put on the 3D glasses, its just become so surreal. It is as if you could touch the things that pop out from the screen. I know I did reach out my hand and try to see if I can really feel it, hahahaha.

The first 10 or 20 minute of  the actual movie, I was busy dodging bullets and hira-shurikens. After I get used to the whole 3D thing, I was busy being startled by the girls' screaming somewhere behind me, when each time a zombie pop out suddenly. I think most of us is trying to avoid the huge axe that was thrown 'right at us' by the giant zombie, haha.

All in all, watching movie in 3D really gives a whole new experience in the cinema. I love it, and I would be so damn sure that I will come back for more. I guess movie in 3D is like a roller coaster, you can't take a ride on it if you have a heart attack! Haha.

Until next mail, bye for now =)

Yours truly:
daniel chiam from room8five

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