Thursday, November 03, 2011

Movie Review: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)

Mind-boggling 8/10

This is one of the best romantic fantasy film that I have seen, that uses science fiction and psychological thriller story telling. Simply the best story line and best acting by the cast!

If you haven't seen this one, then you should go get it now! 

It's one of the most brilliant and genius story that people can come out with. I don't even know how to write this without spoiling anything about the movie itself. It has a lot of twist and turn in the movie and yet you won't really get lost in it. Its just smart!

Each moment and scene in the movie brings a warmth and sentimental value that really captures your heart. It's not just a made up story that you can't relate to. It has a personal touch to it, and things that you can really relate to.

Not the easiest movie name to remember. Great story telling. Mind boggling at first, but an experience like non other. Jim Carrey and Kate Winslet's chemistry and performance was just breathtaking.

Overall it is a must watch film. It's not just a great movie to watch, but it's also come with a great message that will makes you ponder of what you wish for in a romance, in a relationship.

Until next time, see you around my friend =)

Yours only:
Daniel Chiam from room8five

What's Next?

It's always the question that constantly arises every single day. It's like an alarm clock with only the snooze button and there's no stop button to it. It will only temporary stop ringing, then it will start to ring again! Super irritating!

The truth does hurt, because as much as we wanted to stop that alarm clock from ringing and get back to our "eternal" sleep, then we really have something to worried about when the alarm does stop permanently. The fact that the question exist in our life, it shows that we need something to constantly look forward to in life.

When there is nothing to look forward to, then my best assumption is that our hopes and dreams basically just died. Okay, maybe hopes and dreams are too big a word to be use here, but when there is no more anticipation in life, basically we already gave up apart of something which made life meaningful.

Don't be tired of asking 'what's next?', be excited for the unknown. Not every Christmas box that you opened is empty inside. There will be one that will bring joy to your life!

Haha, I'm starting to talk about Christmas already :P

Yours only:
Daniel Chiam from room8five

Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Movie Review: In Time (2011)

Intriguers the Mind  4/10

"Don't waste my time" is one of the tag line in the movie, hehe. Only 2 things that really attract me about the movie. One, the whole idea and concept of the movie. Second, Amanda Seyfried. Other than that, there's really nothing much to be impress about.

Messy and half-formed, but a pleasing throwback to an era in which ideas powered movies more than special effects, In Time provides a steady flow of lively entertainment due to its brain-tickling central conceit.
-Brent Simon-

Overall, it is enjoyable and mostly mind-boggling. The actions, the romance, Amanda Seyfried, Amanda Seyfried and more Amanda Seyfried. It could have been better, really...

Until next time, see you around my friend =)

Yours only:
Daniel Chiam from room8five

Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Nuffnang vs Advertlets 2011

Okay, by the time I'm writing this post, I thought I already made up my mind about which ads provider should I be using. Apparently I'm still being indecisive. I need your feedback badly :D

Now, I'm not going after the money that they can provide, but I'm going after the amount of activities and giveaway that they are providing, haha. Ever since I won that free movie tickets from Fly FM (which I'm going to watch after this!), I was thinking perhaps I should really try to win more free stuff, especially movie passes!

Also, I don't like to have too much ads in room8five, where in the end it will all look too messy, page load took forever and whats not. That's why I'm trying to choose only one out of the two. 

Remember, I'm not chasing after the money here. Just the giveaway! Since you all have been having ads longer than me, please do drop a few thoughts to help me out. Thanks!

Until next time, see you around my friend =)

Yours only:
Daniel Chiam from room8five

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Bloody Sexy Halloween

Happy Halloween people! FYI, I never dress up or joined a Halloween party before! I do really love watching people going trick and treat in movie and how people always dress up for Halloween in the world wide web.

Since I just started to watch The Walking Dead series, so please do allow me to share some awesome zombie costume here for the Halloween celebration!


Zombie costume is easy but the makeup really need a lot of effort and details! If I have the chance I would want to try to be a zombie for Halloween next time, haha.

What about you? If you have the opportunity, what would you like to dress up as?

Enjoy your Sunday people! Happy Halloween =)

Instagram: @room8five