Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day 2012

by Daniel Chiam

Oh hey wonderful and lovely people. Happy Valentine's day =)

If you managed to pull off a few moves on Desperation Day, I bet you'll be out on a date with someone today. haha. Anyway, date or no date, there's no reason for us not to seize the day and make the best out of it.

Through out the years, I've written a few post related to relationships. Either its for between lovers, co-worker, friendship or family members, I really hope it helps to make a difference in your life. I'm not a love guru nor am I an expert, but I'm merely just like to observe and learn from the resources around me. I find human's social interaction and behavior really interesting.  

Well, here's among my favorite in room8five under the relationship tag:

What's yours by the way? =)

"Seize the day, Caper Diem"

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  1. Hehe, I love my collection under the wedding anniversary tag. Bila ko mau kawin ni bro? Okay and sorry for asking you this on the VDay. (^___^)'

  2. May Valentine day be a day of love,understanding,concern, respect and joy........enjoy ya

  3. It's V day and I'm hungry!! :D.. he he he.. Mari kita dua dating la ari ni.. sa jadi perempuan (supaya ko bayar.. :D

  4. Happy Valentine's Day to you ! Cheers~


  5. Still in the mood of enjoying singe life. LOL. By the way, Happy V-day, bro! :)

  6. Happy Valentine Daniel :) default745 {"method":"validate","params":[],"id":1,"jsonrpc":"2.0"}

  7. Yo bro! happy valentine's day.

  8. It is hard to say, but the bank account plays a big role in people life.


  9. Happy Valentine's Day to you and your boyfriend too!

  10. Happy Valentine's Day to you and your husband too!

  11. Happy Valentine's Day to you and your wife bro!

  12. Happy Valentine's Day to you and your hubby too ^^v

  13. Laaaama lagi ni baru mo kahwin. Hahaha Happy Valentine's Day to you and your husband too :D


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