Friday, February 03, 2012

CNY 2012 Day 3 | Pyramid, Pizza and Kate Beckinsale

by Daniel Chiam

Took Arms to have lunch and walk around Sunway Pyramid

This year theme is Majestic Rising, and personally I think it is one of the
best decoration among all the malls in KL.

First time saw lion dance in KL. It's like something rare for me here.

Pepperoni pizza for dinner.

Pepperoni pizza and the 4 cheese pizza for dinner to be exact.

Underworld: Awakening
Kate Beckinsale is still hot and awesome vampire :D

That's pretty much sum up my CNY celebration in 2012. The rest of my days off is just chilling at home and catch up on some movies and series. I couldn't have ask for a better ways to celebrate the holiday, and I'm really thankful to have friends around to spend time together. 


  1. hohohoho.. last gambar sa fokus berabis.. well, pavi ja ba lawan sunway.. yang lain, biasa ja.. :D

  2. CNY day 3 sia masih layan kepenatan dari cameron.. Huhuhu..

  3. Wahh..Sedap nya tu Pizza..heheh

  4. The best CNY mall deco ive seen so far too! :-) Nice. macam straight from the great old China. Eh i watched Underworld, Kate is hot as usual, but the movie was a little bit disappointing for me. maybe coz i saw only Michael Corvin's backside for less than 5 secs, and then there was no trace of him the whole time. This just looks like a very long trailer building up to the 5th installment.

  5. Cherry Samantha Deardra WongFebruary 3, 2012 at 7:26 PM

    wah tengok tu sedap


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