Showing posts with label Kate Beckinsale. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kate Beckinsale. Show all posts

Saturday, August 04, 2012

[Movie Review] Total Recall (2012)

by Daniel Chiam

5/10 Totally Okay to Watch

Since I can't totally recall the original one, my review will be solely base on the movie itself without comparing it to the original 'Total Recall' back in 1990. Yes, this movie is a remake (just in case you didn't know that).

The story line was fairly written and not much weight to it other than the identity crisis of the protagonist; that itself was brilliantly executed in the movie, but that brilliant-ness doesn't last long. I felt that the political agenda was not being emphasis much and it sort of weaken the whole movie and the importance of the protagonist.

Kate Beckinsale's outstanding performance as the villain clearly overshadowed Colin Farrell's role as the protagonist. I was anticipating to see more kick ass actions from Kate throughout the whole movie than wanting to know how Colin are going to survive till the end. Kate is really that good and she's HOT!

Kate Beckinsale as Lori Quaid in Total Recall 2012

Overall, it's a none stop actions movie with some great chase scenes and one particularly great psychological intense moment. Totally enjoyable to watch but with not much to recall in the end. Could have been a great movie if only the significance of the agenda are being well laid out throughout the movie. 

Thanks to Sony Pictures and Nuffnang for the invite.

"Seize the day, Caper Diem"

Friday, February 03, 2012

CNY 2012 Day 3 | Pyramid, Pizza and Kate Beckinsale

by Daniel Chiam

Took Arms to have lunch and walk around Sunway Pyramid

This year theme is Majestic Rising, and personally I think it is one of the
best decoration among all the malls in KL.

First time saw lion dance in KL. It's like something rare for me here.

Pepperoni pizza for dinner.

Pepperoni pizza and the 4 cheese pizza for dinner to be exact.

Underworld: Awakening
Kate Beckinsale is still hot and awesome vampire :D

That's pretty much sum up my CNY celebration in 2012. The rest of my days off is just chilling at home and catch up on some movies and series. I couldn't have ask for a better ways to celebrate the holiday, and I'm really thankful to have friends around to spend time together. 

Thursday, January 26, 2012

[Movie Review] Underworld: Awakening (2012)

by Daniel Chiam

Fast Pace Gore Actions! 5/10

This 4th installment really reminds me of Blade II - more actions and less story telling. Not the best movie by itself but since I've watched the previous 3 movie before, and knowing that there will be a 5th installment afterwards, I think its just awesome to be able to watch Kate Beckinsale getting more physically kick ass in the series.

The reason the Underworld series works is Kate Beckinsale's portrayal of the all black clad, baddass Vampire Selene is just cool. She doesn't whine, moan, or sparkle she just kicks the butt of anyone who screws her over.
-Michelle Alexandria  
PS: This is how vampires and werewolves should be! Not all sparkling, soft and girlish xD

Sunday, January 08, 2012

Kate Beckinsale - Hot Vampire

by Daniel Chiam

At the age of 38 when this is posted, Kate Beckinsale still looks as hot as when I was first mesmerized by her main role in the franchise movie - Underworld. At first it was the outfit but then it was just her, haha. I really like her smile =)

I can't wait for the 4th installment of the movie to come out by mid of January! At the mean time, lets just enjoy some pictures of hot Kate :D

Instagram: @room8five