Wednesday, April 10, 2013

[Movie Review] The Host (2013)

by Daniel Chiam 

A Twilight remake ★★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ 3/10

I have never read the book before. So review will be solely base on the movie itself. I never like The Twilight saga, so my expectation for The Host aren't really high at all since its a story from the same author. 

The movie sets in the future where human race has been assimilated by extraterrestrial parasite that called themselves "Souls". Melanie Stryder who was captured by the Seeker was then infuse with a soul called "Wanderer". Melanie somehow survived the procedure and is struggling to take control of the body with "Wanderer".

I'm not quite sure how the peaceful creatures can really invade earth without violence. Then again, this sci-fi movie was anything but an action movie and some girls would just go gaga over this movie (especially the Twilight fans) because its a complicated-sort-of-love-story or just because a body needs to decide between two good looking guys of who should be kissed.

Sad for Malaysian because there were a lot of kissing scenes and it just had to be cut off (thanks to Malaysia's censorship). It's like someone fast forwarded in between scenes and somehow it spoiled the flow of the movie.

I'm not sure how Melanie talks with accent and yet Wanderer that took over her body can speak without an accent. Logically the parasite should have taken the ability of the body itself and be able to do exactly what the body already knows to do. 

Anyway, I find the movie overall was a lil' too dull, unintentionally funny at most part and its really feels like a remake of The Twilight in a much different version with all the actions taken out of it.

"Seize the day, Caper Diem"

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Wednesday, April 03, 2013

WeChat - The New Way to Connect

by Daniel Chiam

That's right people, you chat, I chat, we all chat and last night was the WeChat commercial launch at club Neverland, KL. A large numbers of bloggers, local celebrities, media members and partners had showed up to hype up the event.

Awi Rafael, one of the local celebrity performing that night.

As of January 2013, WeChat already have 300 million user accounts and I was there when they first launched WeChat in Malaysia. Back then I have to be very honest that I am not so fond of the app at all but today, with the newly improved user interface and functions that they have, I realized that I have been missing out a lot.

First of all you have to know that WeChat is absolutely free to download and it is available to all the major mobile platforms; iOS, Android, Symbian, BlackBerry and Windows Phone. In short, everyone can use WeChat. Now other than the basic functions that you have on a messenger - texting, calling, video call and location, WeChat also provide "Voice Chat" function which I find very useful and fun to use.

Any idea what we are talking about?

The WeChat's Voice Chat or Hold to Talk (is what I like to call it) is basically a voice recording function but I find it works faster and better on WeChat if compared to the existing messenger that I am using. I'm not sure how fast will this drain the data plan but for whats it worth and the convenient that it provides, I'm totally loving WeChat for this.

This works best when you are driving and stopped at the traffic light. Most of the time I find it very hard to concentrate between texting and my eyes on the traffic light but with WeChat, replying back to someone else is just as easy as holding a button only. Love it!

Here's a tv commercial of the WeChat 's 2 new ambassadors; Lisa Surihani and Shaheizy Sam using the voice chat function:

The WeChat's live chat works like a walkie-talkie and it's really fun to play with. Also with a lil' bit of creativity, you can actually make use of it specially when on a road trip with friends, event and any possible occasion that you think would need a walkie-talkie to keep in touch with one another.

WeChat's Live Chat

So far those are the two similar functions that I really had fun using and personally think that it really made a difference in how you connect with others. Can't wait to explore more of WeChat and see what other cool stuff that it can do. For more info do checkout

"Seize the day, Caper Diem"

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Tuesday, March 12, 2013

[Movie Review] Ah Boys To Men 新兵正传 Part 1 & 2

by Daniel Chiam 

★★★★☆☆☆☆☆ 5/10

Ah Boys To Men (ABTM) is the latest big budget comedy movie by Jack Neo about the Singapore's National Service (NS) that was made compulsory for every Singaporean male that have reached the age of 18 to be apart of it. ABTM was initially planned to be release as a single movie but due to the long running time, it was then decided to be release as a 2 part movie.

ABTM mainly focuses the life of the recruits in NS; the training, the bonding and how NS actually help to change a person's life. Aside from that, of course there is also a few side stories about some of the recruits outside NS.

Jack Neo still do what he does best, and that is to bring laughter and also to captures the emotions of the audience. Both of the movie was undeniably funny and also heart warming, but my personal favorite would be part 2 of the movie where a lot more was being focus inside the training camp and also the characters growth.

★★★★★★☆☆☆☆ 6/10

Almost all of the main cast acted for the first time in ABTM, but seriously they acted so well that you would not have thought that ABTM was their first debut. Even the theme song of the movie was written and performed by one of the cast member - Tosh Zhang.

Jack Neo has brought out the most talents through ABTM if compared to any of his previous film, the movie was so good that a third installment is already been planned. ABTM is the most expensive movie ever produced by Jack Neo (estimated almost 3 million USD) and also ABTM2 marked Jack Neo's 20th movie in his career as a director.

Movie Trailer Part 1 & Part 2 | Facebook Page

"Seize the day, Caper Diem"

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Here's Some Library Etiquette

by Daniel Chiam

I am writing this post from inside the library of University Malaysia Sabah. Initially I was doing my work, when all of a sudden this group of student sitting two table away from me starting to talk loudly when some of their friends joined them.

This group of students talks loudly in the library of University Malaysia Sabah

I don't know about you but library etiquette was something that was taught or made known to me at a very young age. Unless you NEVER visited any library before, you will not know what the rules are then, but I believe even before you step into a library, there will be a few signs that will let you know how to behave inside a library.

Apparently these bunch of students are either being ignorance or just plain inconsiderate. So because of that, I will be sharing with you some of the basic library etiquette that you MUST remember when in a library.

It's a freakin' library and not a night market for you to hard sell some of your cheap stuff. If you want to share your life stories with your friends or have a group discussion then I suggest you find another place where you can freely and audibly express yourself. In a library keep your voice at 0, and 1 when talking.

Just DON'T BE LAZY! If you took a book to be use, please please please put it back to where you found the book at first. Someone might be looking for the same book and because of your laziness, they can't find that book at it's section. Don't make it hard for others, be considerate.

Mainly for cleanliness purposes, please don't create the opportunity for the place to be dirty and also the books to be stained by your food and drink. I don't wish to have any ants or cockroaches to run around while I'm trying to get my work done or reading a book that smells like freakin' KFC.

Those are the very basic library etiquette that you must know when using the library. Just remember that the library is not your personal room or a private lounge for you and your friends to hangout. There are many others who are using the library for the peace and quite that it provides to get some work done. So please, be a considerate user and don't be a distraction to others.

Do you have any experience where some bugger(s) is just so annoying in the library? What did you do when bugger(s) like that is around? Share it down at the comment box below.

Photo source 1, 2

"Seize the day, Caper Diem"

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Sunday, March 10, 2013

Meditating for Better Skin

by Marcela De Vivo

Meditation is practiced worldwide as an excellent way to reduce stress and improve mental and physical health. Did you know, however, that meditation can also help improve your appearance?

When practiced properly and consistently, meditation is one of the few natural ways to improve the quality and tone of your skin, and even combat any number of skin ailments, ranging from acne to rosacea to premature wrinkling.

How stress affects your skin

The body responds to duress by releasing cortisol, a stress hormone. Cortisol, while necessary in small quantities to help you deal with “fight or flight” situations, is not meant to be sustained at high levels for prolonged periods of time. Continued production of cortisol can result in a variety of negative health issues including fat gain around the visceral organs, blood sugar imbalance, decreased bone density, higher blood pressure and of course, skin problems. 

Cortisol can result in an increase in oil production, which can lead to acne and acne-related problems.

Additionally, when cortisol is released by the body, sugar levels in our bloodstream go up. Increased blood sugar promotes glycation in our skin, which damages collagen. Damage to collagen can lead to more lines and wrinkles.

As soon as cortisol is released by the body, sugar levels in the blood increase. We know that sugar spikes are especially bad for diabetics, but increased blood sugar also promotes a process called glycation in our skin which damages the collagen. Collagen is what makes your skin both firm and pliable. The breakdown of collagen leads to fine lines and eventually wrinkles.

Cortisol acts to dehydrate the skin by decreasing your skin’s production of hyaluronic acid, a natural moisturizer for the skin. And it compromises the skin’s barrier, which allows hydration to evaporate instead of staying in the skin.

Another byproduct of stress that works negatively on the skin is adrenaline, which decreases blood flow to your skin and leads to a pale, wan complexion.

Image courtesy of marin /

Better skin through meditation

Research has shown that meditation is a powerful stress-reliever. When you meditate, you slow your heart rate and produce less cortisol even as your immune functions improve. While difficult to adjust to initially, a consistent practitioner of meditation reaps myriad mental and physical benefits, including reduced stress responses and improved immunity to stress.

Reduction in stress naturally leads to reduction of stress hormones like cortisol, which allows your skin to continue to regenerate normally .

People have found that after consistent meditation, they see fewer lines and wrinkles, improvement in acne, fewer dark circles or bags under the eyes (due in part to improved quality of sleep that comes with meditation), and a healthy glow.

Note: For maximum benefits to your skin, do not shower immediately after meditation. Some studies have suggested that chemicals produced during meditation can be beneficial to the skin. Showering would not only wash off those beneficial chemicals, but also produce a shock to the nervous system, increasing the stress response which is the opposite of the intended goal. If you must shower post-meditation, try to wait at least half an hour to an hour. Ideally, avoid any kind of water exposure or submersion post-meditation.

Other health benefits of meditation

Reduction in stress levels and improved skin quality are not the only benefits experienced by practitioners. Most people report increased energy, better quality sleep, improved personal awareness and mindfulness, improved response to stress, healthier circulation, and a stronger immune system.

While meditation can help your skin, remember that you must support your efforts to de-stress and improve your overall health to maintain the progress you see. Pay attention to the kind of food you are eating; make sure you drink plenty of water. By taking a complete approach to your health and incorporating meditation, your skin is sure to glow.

Photo source: 1

Marcela De Vivo is a freelance writer in the Los Angeles area. Her writing has covered everything from marketing, technology and health. She currently maintains a beauty blog

"Seize the day, Caper Diem"

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