Showing posts with label Scarlett Johansson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Scarlett Johansson. Show all posts

Friday, April 27, 2012

[Movie Review] Marvel's The Avengers (2012)

by Daniel Chiam

7/10 Too good to be real

I love all the superheroes, especially HULK! Omigosh, I never really thought that Hulk will exceptionally standout this time. Not much personality change in the rest of the characters that you love (which is good), and even the plot was nicely done. I love the build up of the movie.

The only downside for me is that the villain - Loki wasn't evil enough for 6 superheroes to handle. Tho having saying that, I believe this is just the warm up for the beginning of The Avengers series. The movie was all great with funny humour along the way. 

*Do not leave the cinema when the credits start rolling. Wait for another short scene after that. Typical Marvel!

The dialogue sparkles as brightly as the special effects; these people may be wearing ridiculous costumes but they're well fleshed-out underneath. And so in every regard, this movie truly fulfills its hype.
- Christy Lemire

Enjoy the movie people! =)

Yours only:
Daniel Chiam from room8five

Twitter: @room8five

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

I Am Going For The Premiere Screening of The Avengers 2012

The Avengers

Thanks to Nuffnang, I am selected to be one of the very few Malaysian to be among the first to watch the movie before it's being officially released for public viewing in the local cinema. 

I'm truly excited for the movie, can't wait to see Scarlett in her latex outfit all the good looking guys in their perfect figures having an egoistic battle with one another first before fighting off the bad guys and save the world from destruction. Oh yeah, we have Hulk xD

I was thinking, perhaps this time I should do something special for the premiere... wearing one of the superhero mask perhaps, haha I don't know. I'm just excited for the movie! If you are going for the premiere too, make sure to wave at me and say 'hi' :D

Until next time, see you around my friend =)

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

[Movie Review] We Bought a Zoo (2011)

Heart warming 7/10

I watched the movie with zero expectation and surprisingly, I like it a lot. The whole emotional journey of the story is well written and it managed to capture the true essence of the story that it wants to tell to the audience.

I would really suggest this based on a true story, comedy-drama film for a family movie. It will help strengthen the bonding with each family members. Great performance by Matt Damon. Scarlett Johansson is just ever so pretty :D 
I am overrating this film a bit, but on a subjective level I just really loved it. The movie had a few cliche trappings, but surprisingly avoided many as well. The story had more emotional depth than most family films ever do, the humor was well timed and not too silly, and all of the characters had a part to play that felt natural and furthered the story. It was just great to watch a clean family film with my family with solid acting and a fun story.
-Danny D.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Scarlett Johansson is Black Widow

No, this is not a story about her leaked photos. The Avengers is coming out next year and everyone is super excited with the trailer (so am I). I can't wait to see all the superheroes, especially Black Widow since the hot Scarlett Johansson is playing the character. She is the closest super hero that any normal human being can get, unless that Ironman technology already exist and we have a right person with the right mind to wear the iron suite then I'm still sticking with Black Widow :D

Here's the lovely Scarlett;

Instagram: @room8five