Showing posts with label Rob Riggle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rob Riggle. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

[Movie Review] 21 Jump Street (2012)

by Daniel Chiam

5/10 Modern day police comedy

It's nothing like the original 21 Jump Street. Instead of more actions and explosions, it has more comedies for a true follower to handle (which I'm not). It was all good at the beginning but toward the middle of it, the jokes runs dry and thankfully was able to picked up at the end for a more acceptable ending.

The two original actor, Johnny Depp and Peter DeLuise made a short cameo toward the end of the show and Depp is all quirky for it, haha.

The film isn't long, but it runs dry at a certain point, and tries to rescue itself by morphing into an action movie, with only middling results.
-Leonard Maltin

Until next time, see you around my friend =)

Yours only:
Daniel Chiam from room8five

Twitter: @room8five

Instagram: @room8five