Monday, August 26, 2013

Borneo International Marathon 2013 (BIM) | My First Solo Experience

by Daniel Chiam 

Yesterday was my first time ever to experience the Borneo International Marathon event and no, not as a runner but as a videographer and also a photographer for to cover the event. Perhaps I'll join as a runner next time. Let's just hold that thought there.

Anyway, yesterday was my first time going solo on the field and also my first ever project ever since I came back to stay in Sabah.  Usually I will attend a running event with Kay who handles and he will usually do all the hard work while I'm just there to snap photos and update my own Instagram, haha.

Working solo was really challenging especially when I had to do both video and photos. Well, maybe things can be a lot easier if I actually plan out everything before hands but once a cowboy, always a cowboy. Just go there and do your thang partner...

I've learnt a few things yesterday and one, I'm not really good at multitasking. I soon found out that I have less footage to be use for the video highlights and most of the outcome of my photos was not really that impressive. I will try to work on my skills to switch between video and capturing photos, do the settings and all (perhaps I should just stick with auto mode when capturing photo, then it will be faster) and try to master the camera's focus for video.

Second, I need to be really discipline. I missed the full marathon flag off yesterday cause I snooze a bit then when I'm all ready to go, I had to use the toilet for some big break. Thus, when I reached the stadium, I can see all the runners ran passed my car.

Third, I need to learn to take care of my tools and equipment more carefully. No damage was done but I did lost a small mount that connect my tripod/monopod to the ball head stand that I have. I'm not sure they sell it separately but I do hate to spend more in my current situation.

Alright, without much more talking, do checkout the first video that I have ever edit and made on my own. Leave a comment, give it a thumbs up, share it with your friends and I will appreciate it much. Thank you all!

"Seize the day, Caper Diem"

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