Sunday, August 05, 2012

Dato Lee Chong Wei | 謝謝你, Thank You, Terima Kasih!

by Daniel Chiam 

Dato' Lee Chong Wei, Malaysia are very proud of you.

It was heart wrenching to see tears in Dato Lee Chong Wei's eyes. I felt so helpless when you are out there in the battlefield doing all you can trying to win the gold for Malaysia, and all I can do is just to shout and cheer all my heart out to you. 

You have put up a really great fight. You even showed us the true patriotism that a man can offer for his country. In fact, you have united Malaysians as a true 1Malaysia today. You have achieve greater things beyond just-only-a-silver-medal. You have made us truly a proud nation for having someone like you representing all of us.

Despite the result, I am still very proud of you and thank you sincerely for giving all your best out there today. Thank you for your heart of gold. Thank you for being a true champion with your love and passion for your country. All the best for your future.

Again, thank you for such a wonderful birthday gift. You are indeed my hero, the Malaysian's hero

Photo by Khairul Ghazali.

"Seize the day, Caper Diem"

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  1. Very emotional game indeed it was..All of us were really bummed out at the climbing centre watching this but he was awesome! All the effort and all the support!

    Will never forget this memorable match!

  2. No matters what's the result, Dato Lee Chong Wei, we always proud of you. If not because of you, I won't seeing Malaysia being listed in Olympic medal table today. #ThankYouLeeChongWei

  3. He is one inspiring Malaysia. Although he didn't get the gold medal, he is still our number one. Well done, Datuk Lee Chong Wei. We are proud of you.

  4. He is one inspiring Malaysian. Although he didn't get the gold medal, he is still our number one hero. Well done, Datuk Lee Chong Wei.

  5. macam2 komen kawan2 di fb ada yg postif & nda kurang jua yg negatif.. Whatever it is Chong Wei made MALAYSIA proud!

  6. Yes, wish to let Dato knows that we thanked him from deep heart, it doesnt matter if its silver, he did his best already =)

  7. Inspiring person. Even though he lose, but he is a real hero who represent M'sia!!

  8. Its heart-warming to have a true Athletic like Datuk Lee Chong Wei!

  9. He unite us actually through his performance. And Malaysia really proud of him


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