Sunday, April 13, 2014

Sabah's West Coast Road Trip

by Daniel Chiam

Batu 16, Keningau

Batu Punggul, Nabawan

Mahua Waterfall, Tambunan

Luanti, Ranau

Kundasang, Ranau

Tindakon Dazang, Kudat

From the greenish jungles to the blueish sea, it was a great experience driving around Sabah and exploring what mother nature has to offer in the Land Below the Wind. I've been away for too long from my mother land and I really needed this trip to re-connect with the cultures and the people again.

Anyway, it is Visit Malaysia Year 2014, so make a date with your family and friends and bring them to Cuti-cuti Malaysia! There are tons of beautiful places and hidden gems within Malaysia; waiting for you to discover. If you are planning to visit Sabah, the month of May is probably one of the best timing yet because it is the Harvest Festival and it's like celebrating Christmas throughout the month May for the Sabahan people!

Here's more post from my Sabah road trip 2014!

01) Batu Punggul, Nabawan
02) Mahua Waterfall, Tambunan
03) Sabah Tea Plantation, Ranau
04) Luanti Fish Spa, Ranau

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Learning Portrait with Selfie

by Daniel Chiam

My Sound and Lighting Channel, the current company that I work part time with.

My brand new Behringer HPX2000 headphone for video and sound editing.

Coffee can reduce 30% the risk of having cancer. Saw that in one of the Korean variety show - Vitamin.

I really think one of the best way to practice taking portrait pictures are by doing you own selfies. In the process of taking my own photos, I've learned a lot about lighting, posing, expression and for the first photo that was taken with a long exposure, I've manage to take my own photo and added the light trail effect myself, all in one shot. It does help to get the creative juice going, and a great excuse to be vain once in awhile, haha.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

The Art of Biàn Liān 变脸 (Face-Changing)

by Daniel Chiam

I was fascinated by the ancient art of Biàn Liān or literally mean face-changing, when I first saw the movie “The King of Masks (1996)” many years ago. I was dumbfounded by how fast the skillful master of Biàn Liān can changes its masks in just split seconds, and I was wondering where he kept all his masks. To me back then, that was pure magic that’s way better than Siegfried and Roy with all their big props and white lion (and white tigers). We don’t have internet back then nor we knew what YouTube is and as the time goes by, my interest in finding out more about the art of Biàn Liān slowly faded. 

Photo Source

I was extremely excited when I heard that Biàn Liān will be perform during the SM Ken Hwa’s Chap Goh Meh celebration (which I have the privilege to cover for the event) and my expectation sky rocketed cause I finally get to see this art of “magic” from the east to be perform right in front of my eyes. My brains quickly travel back to the moment when I first watched the movie and how mesmerized I was when I first saw it back then. 

The ancient art of Biàn Liān which originated from China, was like a family’s most valuable treasure. A skills and techniques that its secrets can only be known by the sons in the family and never to be told nor to be pass down to others outside of the family. Of course with time passes, human’s flaw and what’s not, the art of Biàn Liān has finally been leaked out and learned not only by the other people from the oriental world but also by the people from the west.

It was really a privilege for me to be able to witness a local magician and performer, Mr. Kevin Lee, performing the ancient art of Biàn Liān that is a great pride of the Sichuan opera from China. I really hope that I could do a story on this amazing art with Mr. Kevin in the future, and hopefully do my part to spread the art to the younger generation, especially to the Sabahan community, and to make sure that it would not be forgotten as the times goes by.

"Seize the day, Caper Diem"

| room8five @ Google+Facebook | Imotiv | Twitter | Instagram |

Monday, February 10, 2014

Making Promo Video with FoodSocial Malaysia

by Daniel Chiam

Working on a scene

The lovely Amanda

The awesome director

Hot and sunny day (too hot and too sunny if I may add)

Amanda having a break

FoodSocial Malaysia is something new for Malaysia's foodie that just started invading all over the social media recently. I happened to know someone that knows someone from FoodSocial Malaysia, and landed myself a chance to actually appear in one of their promo video. The idea was simple, funny and most of all, it really delivers the message. Kay Kastum was the director, in fact he was the one that came up with the whole thing, and made the whole thing happened. 

It’s the first time that I get to act beside a beautiful young lady for a video and too bad for her that I’m no Daniel Craig nor Daniel Wu but its all hallelujah for me that I get to act with an angel for a change. When you are watching the video, noted that it's the best 27 seconds of video intro in my acting career so far, haha.

So do checkout the video, give it a thumb up, comment for support and most importantly share it on your social network if you enjoyed it. Do also checkout FoodSocial Malaysia on Facebook and find out what they are all about, or you’ll missed out all the good deals on your favorite eat out!

Saturday, February 08, 2014

Rest In Peace Grandpa

by Daniel Chiam

Michael Tambiliu bin Luminggan (05/05/1938 - 01/02/2014) - Gone but never forgotten. You have lived a great life, a life that so many have loved you and cared for you. May you now rest in peace with our Father in heaven. Sincere love from all your family and friends.

"The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.” 
Mark Twain

Instagram: @room8five