Saturday, August 09, 2014

Monochrome Skull Face

Photographed by Daniel Chiam
Makeup: Farah Paul and Bulma
Talent: Farah Paul and Daniel James

This was kind of an impromptu shoot for me, and I guess this is what happened when a girl saw something on the internet and decided to give it a try. Honestly, I really like this monochrome theme, and since this was Farah and Bulma's first trial with the makeup, I can't wait to see what they can come up with next. 

Anyway, I realized later I've used too large an aperture (f1.8) for some of my shots and I didn't managed to get everything in focus for those photos. Come to think of it, using a smaller aperture shouldn't be a problem since I was using flashes the whole time (was trying out my new Yongnuo YN560 III). That's the reason why I hope these girls would give it another try again soon. So I can redeem myself, haha.

-----------[ About the contributor ]----------

Daniel Chiam is a self taught photographer who is a coffee addict and love his afternoon nap. He always wished to travel more often but there's always a hole in his pockets. One of his life long wishes is to do bungee jumping in New Zealand, and he is now working hard to make that happened. 

"Seize the day, Caper Diem"

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