Monday, February 25, 2013

Do I Really Need It or I Just Want It Badly?

by Anwarul Amirah Bt Zulkifli

Whenever we pass the toys or candies aisle, we would probably see a kid throwing a tantrum because they want something from the shelf. May it be a new cool toy being constantly advertised on tv or just a colorful-eye-catching-wrapped candy.  Don’t deny it. We were once that kid once upon a time and hey- may still be like that deep in our conscience. How is that, you may ask? Well.. Just like our child-self, we have a blurry and vague concept of what we want and need.

We justify the things we purchase as something we dying-ly need. Like that new-in-fashion tops or shoes. We’ll say things like, “I REALLY need this” when in actual fact, we have tons of clothes in our closet. Or another scenario, suddenly feeling this relenting guilt after buying something. Does that sound familiar?

What we need to do first when we face this ‘wants vs needs’ situation is ask ourselves, ‘Is it something I need?’ or ‘Is it something I would like to have?’. When you have that answered, further ask yourself, ‘What is the purpose of it?’, ‘Is it really necessary?’ and ‘Can I afford it?’. For instance, you need your own transport to commute to work. You have a choice of a fuel sufficient car with a low monthly commitment and another smokin’ hot car which probably will hurt your wallet. What you need would be the first choice and what you want would be the latter. This goes for almost everything. 

Always jot down the pros and cons of each choice. Measure what is the best option, then, wallah!, there’s your answer! Although, I’m not saying that wanting to have what you want is a crime. But it won’t hurt to be more alert of what you purchase and for what reasons. Not only that, save a few bucks for those rainy days you may encounter some time down the road. I do advise you to reward yourself by getting something you want once a month or so for being such a good spender.

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"Seize the day, Caper Diem"

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