Sunday, January 15, 2012

Sheryl Goh is An Honest Mistake

Its been a very long while since I featured any local artist in room8five. Well, after stumbled upon this band on Youtube, a lil' bit of stalking information here and there and I think I am ready to introduce to you Miss Sheryl Goh,  on of the vocalist from the pop/punk band An Honest Mistake.

She only 19 this year (born January 6, 1993), and she can sing really well. I know, cause I listen to her on Youtube HERE. You know how some band sounds really good in their album but you just get disappointed when you heard them live? Well Sheryl is not the case :D

Anyway, do support the band (or just her). Listen to them, comment, like, thumbs up, stalk, follow, tweet, mention, share and do whatever your social media do best to spread the words. Better yet, get their album!

An Honest Mistake :: Facebook :: Twitter :: Website :: Myspace ::


  1. Cherry Samantha Deardra WongJanuary 15, 2012 at 10:16 AM

    arrr..title mcm kontroversi..he he ok nanti i check on the i laav the second photography tu..hehe

  2. Cherry Samantha Deardra WongJanuary 15, 2012 at 10:17 AM

    eh by the way..jadi ka kamu jumpa jumpa on CNY?

  3. Opps, dint know who she is... :P

  4. hahahaha!! i really have not heard about this group and this girl.. but i really thot you are saying she really made some big mistakes on stage that you are frankly giving feedback.. :D


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