Monday, August 08, 2011


I'm not really a stylish hair type of person. The reason being is because I don't like to use wax or hair gel at all, because when I sweat, the whole face will become oily and its really not a good experience at all.

I still want to look presentable tho. So always, I either keep my hair long or keep it very very short. I will never maintain it to be in between. My hair was the longest when I was back in college. I think it was shoulder length, and because I can't take the amount of hair falls, I cut my hair ultra thin the next day, haha.

Well, deja vu. It happens again now. I was planning to keep my hair long until end of this December, but it's very discouraging when you already clean your room today and the next two days you can find hairs all over the place. So yeah, I decided to go all Prison Break again this time.

Whats the longest length of hair that you kept before? Any male visitor here that kept their hair longer than a girl? Haha do let me know by dropping by a few comment down below.

Until next time, see you around my friend =)


  1. I thought you were using mywebpage too.. the one i used yesterday.. :)

  2. now u know how challenging for us girls to maintain our hair... >.< hehe... have a good week ahead, Daniel. how's your workout btw? :)

  3. I always prefer guys with short hair.
    I know a friend's husband keeps his hair longer than me, I think it's not nice looking and lack of 'macho-ness', you know what I mean? :P

  4. longest I kept my hair without dye and cut... is 3 years.. until Schwarzkoph hired me for hair modeling. teehee... ($.$)

  5. wah pendek suda rambut...heheh cute juga..maintain bh

  6. Awww... all those lovely hairs. Wakakaa. I've had both! I've tried going near-bald before, I mean botak la but not licin :P

    And long hair too... I like long hair actually.If only I wasn't working, then I would have ladylike hair wakakaa. Rebonding lagi. Hahaa jaz kidin.

    You can see the longest hair I had here:
    Wahahaa promote post ba kan. Nda malu eh.

  7. wahhhh serius sa suka itu intri..hehehe...mau d check lu picture lama sa..macm buli lawan panjang rambut ko tu..hehehe


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